Pride and Prejudice Timeline

Below is a timeline of the events in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Use this as a study tool, essay reference, or just if you're curious! Pride and Prejudice takes place over a few months, so sometimes the time jumps can be confusing.

If you're looking for more information on the time period or era in which Pride and Prejudice is set, see this page: Pride and Prejudice Time Period.

We also have a full book summary, chapter summaries and more study resources here.

Pride & Prejudice Timeline

Pride and Prejudice takes place over a few months during the Regency era in England. Remember, these are the major events, and the novel contains many more nuanced character interactions, subplots, and developments in between these highlighted moments. For more detail, please see the chapter summaries.

Below is a timeline of events, and related chapters:

Introduction: Longbourn, Meryton, and Netherfield (Chapters 1-27):

Hunsford/Rosings Visit (Chapters 28-38):

Interlude at Longbourn (Chapters 39-41):

Pemberley Visit (Chapters 42-46):

Return to Longbourn/Conclusion (Chapters 47-61):

Introduction: Longbourn, Meryton, and Netherfield (Chapters 1-27)

Chapter 1-2: Introduction of the Bennet family and news of Mr. Bingley's arrival

The Bennet family of Longbourn learns that the wealthy Mr. Bingley has taken residence at nearby Netherfield Park. Mrs. Bennet sees this as an opportunity to marry off one of her daughters.

Chapter 3: Meryton Assembly: First meeting of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy

At a social gathering, Elizabeth Bennet overhears Mr. Darcy refusing to dance with her, deeming her "tolerable." This initial encounter sets a tone of mutual disdain.

Chapter 4-6: Jane considers Mr. Bingley as a romantic interest

Mr. Bingley shows clear interest in Jane Bennet. Elizabeth takes a dislike to Mr. Darcy, while Bingley's sisters appear friendly to Jane.

Chapter 7-12: Jane and Elizabeth stay at Netherfield

Jane falls ill at Netherfield and Elizabeth comes to care for her. During her stay, Elizabeth's interactions with Darcy grow more complicated, and she further discerns the snobbery of Bingley's sisters.

Chapter 13-15: Mr. Collins and Mr. Wickham are introduced

Mr. Collins, the Bennet girls' cousin and heir to the Longbourn estate, arrives with intentions of proposing to one of them. He has a pompous demeanor which is contrasted by the charming Mr. Wickham, who the Bennet sisters meet by chance in Meryton.

Chapters 16-18: Mr. Wickham creates further mystery around Mr. Darcy

Elizabeth learns from Mr. Wickham about his past grievances with Mr. Darcy, intensifying her dislike for the latter. At the Netherfield ball, tensions rise as Mr. Darcy asks Elizabeth to dance, Jane and Bingley grow closer, and Wickham's absence is notably felt.

Chapter 19-20: Elizabeth refuses Mr. Collins' proposal

Mr. Collins proposes marriage to Elizabeth, but she firmly rejects him, to his and her mother's dismay. However, Mr. Collins quickly shifts his attention to Elizabeth's friend, Charlotte Lucas.

Chapter 21-23: Jane's heartbreak over Bingley's sudden departure

After showing interest in Jane, Bingley abruptly leaves Netherfield, leaving Jane heartbroken. Elizabeth suspects his sister Miss Bingely's influence is behind his departure.

Chapters 24-27: Worrying about Jane and a Stop in London

The Bennet family and Charlotte Lucas discuss the possible reasons for Bingley's absence. Elizabeth then sets off with Sir William and Maria Lucas to visit Charlotte and Mr. Collins, and their journey takes them through London and ultimately to the Collins' home near Rosings.

Hunsford/Rosings Visit (Chapters 28-38)

Chapter 28-29: Elizabeth arrives at the Collins' and meets Lady Catherine de Bourgh

Elizabeth visits her friend Charlotte, now married to Mr. Collins, and meets the imposing Lady Catherine de Bourgh. Lady Catherine's authoritative nature becomes evident during Elizabeth's stay.

Chapter 30-33: Meeting Darcy and Fitzwilliam at Rosings

While staying with the Collinses, Elizabeth frequently encounters Darcy and Colonel Fitzwilliam at Lady Catherine de Bourgh's residence, Rosings. Colonel Fitzwilliam reveals to Elizabeth that Darcy may have saved a friend from an imprudent marriage, leading Elizabeth to believe he interfered in Jane and Bingley's relationship.

Chapter 34: Mr. Darcy's first proposal and Elizabeth's rejection

In a surprising turn, Mr. Darcy confesses his love for Elizabeth and proposes. Elizabeth firmly rejects him, citing his role in Jane and Bingley's separation and Wickham's alleged mistreatment.

Chapter 35-36: Darcy's letter to Elizabeth explaining his actions regarding Bingley and Wickham

Darcy writes a detailed letter to Elizabeth, defending his actions and revealing the truth about Wickham's deceitful nature. This letter causes Elizabeth to reevaluate her judgments.

Chapter 37-38: Elizabeth's stay in Hunsford comes to an end

Elizabeth learns of Darcy's departure. After a farewell to the Collins', she contemplates revealing Darcy's proposal to Jane during her journey to Mr. Gardiner's home.

Interlude at Longbourn (Chapters 39-41)

Chapter 39-41: Return Home and Confiding in Jane

Elizabeth returns home, where she confides in Jane about Mr. Darcy's proposal and the contents of his letter. Lydia Bennet gleefully departs for Brighton with the Forsters, while Elizabeth expresses concern about Lydia's behavior.

Pemberley Visit (Chapters 42-46)

Chapter 42-46: Elizabeth's trip with the Gardiners, and their visit to Pemberley

Elizabeth travels with her Aunt and Uncle Gardiner, and they decide to visit Darcy's estate, Pemberley. They are all impressed by its grandeur and meet Darcy there unexpectedly.

Chapter 43-45: Unexpected meeting between Elizabeth and Darcy at Pemberley

Elizabeth is startled to encounter Darcy at Pemberley, but he behaves cordially, introducing her to his sister and displaying a gentler side of his nature.

Return to Longbourn/Conclusion (Chapters 47-61)

Chapter 46-50: Lydia elopes with Wickham

Lydia Bennet recklessly elopes with Mr. Wickham, endangering her family's reputation. The Bennets are thrown into distress, and Mr. Gardiner learns they are located in London.

Chapter 51-53: Lydia Returns and Elizabeth Learns of Darcy's Involvement in Lydia's marriage

Lydia and Mr. Wickham return to Longbourn, to a mixed reception. Elizabeth eventually learns that Darcy, in secret, intervened to ensure Mr. Wickham marries Lydia, thereby saving the Bennet family's honor, a very noble act.

Chapter 54-55: Bingley's return and his proposal to Jane

Bingley returns to Netherfield and, with a push from Darcy, finally proposes to Jane. The Bennet family rejoices at the match.

Chapter 56-57: Lady Catherine's visit to Longbourn and confrontation with Elizabeth

Lady Catherine visits Elizabeth to confront her about rumors of a potential engagement to Darcy. Elizabeth stands her ground, not allowing Lady Catherine to dictate her choices.

Chapter 58-60: Mr. Darcy's second proposal and Elizabeth's acceptance

Darcy proposes again to Elizabeth, and this time she accepts, having come to recognize and appreciate his true character. Both acknowledge their previous prejudices and pride.

Chapter 61: Conclusion and wrap-up

The novel concludes with the marriages of Jane to Bingley and Elizabeth to Darcy. The fates of other characters, such as Lydia, Wickham, and the Bennet parents, are also wrapped up.

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